11 Days Till Showtime

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you, be honest and frank anyways


I woke up at 10:00 this morning. Dad surprised me with an awesome breakfast. Mushrooms, peppers, steak stir fry, and potatoes pancake things! I drank my tea while he ate, and saved my food he made for my feast! Next, we discussed my plans for post-grad. My dad mentioned a thing called a world flight pass, so I looked it up. This pass lets you travel up to 15 different places across the world, within 12 months! There are certain exact numbers of air miles that when you surpass the amount, the prices rises. I looked at a flight including 3 places in Europe, 3 in North America, 2 in Australia, One in South America, and it came out to about 13,000$ for both me and Avery. That’s about 6500$ each, which is very very cheap considering one flight from my town to Australia is 3200$! The idea sounds amazing. Ideally, we meet up with relatives and family friends around the world minimizing housing expense. I would have to work very hard over the summer to raise the money. We plan to volunteer in Zimbabwe with my dad’s colleague, and maybe my dad starting in March! The other plans are too vague, and I don’t want to say them, look back at this, and be disappointed if it didn’t happen. So, when things are more concrete, I’ll let you know my plans! Just typing it, gets me so excited.


I had theater again today (had it yesterday as well), for 3 hours. The play is in less than 2 weeks, so it’s getting busy! Next weekend, we have 2 – 8 hour rehearsals! This week, we also have two – two hour rehearsals. Rehearsals are fun, as I really enjoy the group of people in theater. Today was great, got Tim Horton’s on the way – Green tea. Rolled up the rim, and… Lost.. 0/4. Moving on from that depressing fact, we went over act 2 of the play twice, and it’s getting a lot smoother. I can really see it coming together nicely now, and now I’m getting nervous for the show. For those of you coming to the show, 10$ a ticket, contact me for one! The last two shows I was in, some nights were sold out, so don’t wait!


I came home and made my plans for the night

Plan: 4:50-11:15

4:50-5:20 – Finish chores for the day

5:20-5:40 – Start math homework

5:40-6:00 – Prep feast

6:00-6:30 – Eat!

6:30-7:00 – Dishes

7:00-9:00 – Movie

9:00-10:15 – Math homework

10:15-10:35 – CD’s for mom’s friend

10:35-11:15 – BLOG!

I followed the plans for the most part, except the CD thing which I’ll do tomorrow, and the movie was replaced by the hockey game.

A good chunk of my math homework got finished, and the rest will be finished tomorrow during spare/lunch. For my feast, I ate steak, broccoli, my dad’s breakfast leftovers, mashed potatoes, ichiban (noodles) with 2 eggs and peas, butter pecan cake made by Angela (Avery’s mom), and an apple!

Update on Warrior way of living:

I’m sticking with it, feeling amazing. I’m for sure more clear minded, and less tired, no doubt. I let myself be a bit lenient on the weekend, and Friday, and ate at 4:30. I ate more than one after as well for Friday and Saturday. The point of this diet is to keep me less tired and more clear minded, so some days I will be more lenient when I have nothing that night to do, as it’s okay if I’m tired and not clear minded. The hunger is getting less for during the day. it helps a lot to drink a bunch of water/tea during the day. Most of the time when you feel hungry, you are actually thirsty! Another great thing, is that when I’m doing this “diet”, I am being very aware of how much I’m eating overall in the day and my food group amounts. Every day since I’ve started, I’ve for sure eaten enough calories that I should be eating, and eating every food group, and not a lot of very unhealthy foods.

I did the dishes, while watching the game. I also did a bit of math during it as well. Canucks broke their 4 game losing streak with a 5-1 win! The opposing team (Colorado) was down 4-0 and pulled their goalie with 10:20 left to go, never seen that happen! I then did more math, and blogged!

Feedback is appreciated as always. Thanks for the read, have a great night.

Quote of the blog

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